Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Buckminster Fuller

Inventor, Designer, Architect, Mathematician and Futurist, Bucky Fuller was known for pioneering the geodesic dome. Using Tensegrity structures found in nature, Fuller applied these principles towards design solutions. Born in 1895, and kicked out of Harvard twice, Fuller passed away in 1983 with 47 honorary degrees and as the president of Mensa. 

Fuller pioneered sustainability and explored material efficiency during the 1950's. 
Fuller with Isamu Noguchi

links: 1234 56
info sources: 12

1 comment:

  1. The 2nd and 3rd pictures are TC Howard models. In 1952 TC Howard designed the Ford Rotunda Dome for Bucky (Spherical truss). In 1959 MOMA had an outdoor Exhibition of Bucky's concepts. Radome by Geometrics, Inc, octet truss by TC Howard of Synergetics, Inc and (Kenneth Snelson's) tensegrity mast designed by Edison Price and Shoji Sadao (who later became Bucky's partner and designed the 67 Montreal Expo dome. last photo is Edison, Shoji and Bucky with the Tensegrity mast parts. - TC Howard's daughter
